Wine, coffee & tea lounge
Step into our "Wine, Coffee and Tea Lounge" and discover a diverse range of teas, wines and quality coffee to delight your senses.
Beer lovers will also have something to discover, because here you will find a local offer directly from Vyhní, from the oldest brewery in Slovakia - Steiger beer, or you can enjoy a quality Czech Pilsner Urquell lager.
Enjoy the intimate atmosphere and relax with your favourite drinks in our Wine, Coffee and Tea Lounge.
Capacity: 60 seats.
Opening hours: 8:00 - 24:00
Užite si intímnu atmosféru a oddych s obľúbenými nápojmi vo Wine, Coffee and Tea Lounge.
Milovníci piva budú mať tiež čo objavovať, pretože tu nájdete lokálnu ponuku priamo z Vyhní, z najstaršieho pivovaru na Slovensku - pivo Steiger, alebo si môžete vychutnať kvalitný český ležiak Pilsner Urquell.
Replace the boardroom with a Private Lounge
Swap the classic lounges for the Private Lounge, located right in our Wine, Coffee & Tea.
A modern, light-filled and cosy space with a round table. Perfect for meetings or business gatherings.
In the private room you will have the privacy you need and a waiter and wait staff on hand. The space has a capacity of 8 people.