Wine coffee & tea lounge

Wine, coffee & tea lounge
Step into our "Wine, Coffee and Tea Lounge" and discover a diverse range of teas, wines and quality coffee to delight your senses.
Beer lovers will also have something to discover, because here you will find a local offer directly from Vyhní, from the oldest brewery in Slovakia - Steiger beer, or you can enjoy a quality Czech Pilsner Urquell lager.
Enjoy the intimate atmosphere and relax with your favourite drinks in our Wine, Coffee and Tea Lounge.
Treat yourself to our varied menu and discover new tastes and aromas provided by this exceptional space.
Užite si intímnu atmosféru a oddych s vašimi obľúbenými nápojmi vo Wine, Coffee and Tea Lounge.
Nechajte sa pohostiť pestrou ponukou a objavte nové chute a vône, ktoré vám poskytne tento výnimočný priestor.