Children's world MiniMe
Milí hostia,
chceme, aby si vaše detičky užili ešte viac zábavy a radosti! Preto od 10. 3. 2025 začíname s rekonštrukciou detského kútika MiniMe, kde pre ne chystáme skvelé novinky!
Nemusíte sa však obávať – náš tím event manažérov denne pripravuje pestrý a zábavný program, aby sa vaše deti ani na chvíľu nenudili.
Nový a ešte lepší detský kútik bude opäť k dispozícii už toto LETO 2025. Ďakujeme za pochopenie a tešíme sa, že si ho spolu užijeme!
S láskou,
tím hotela SITNO
MiniMe is a children's world full of everything you need to develop children's creativity.
A double-decker climbing frame, slide, ball pool, racing motorbikes and much more are available to guests every day from 9am to 9pm.
Children are supervised by qualified staff who create exceptional games, competitions or other activities, among other things.

Under the supervision of experienced animators
MiniMe is the perfect place of fun - for children over 4 years old even without parental supervision. Our experienced animator keeps an eye on them. Parents can thus enjoy a moment of relaxation while the children go crazy to their heart's content. It is equipped with board games, stuffed animals, books and everything that goes with fun.
Children under the age of 4 can only be in the play corner under the supervision of a parent or other responsible adult.
Guests are included in the price of their stay. Outside guests are charged a fee.